Join Us

  • The Nihon Buyo Kai of California welcomes membership and is greatly appreciative of support.
  • Membership dues are an important source of income in pursuing the organization’s goals and objectives.
  • Membership is on an annual basis, from January to December.

Student membership: $15 a year
membership: $25 a year
VIP membership:  $100 a year.   VIP members will be recognized in programs and receive a 20% discount on admission to events.

Please download and complete the Membership form

Make check payable to “Nihon Buyo Kai”

Mail to:

Nihon Buyo Kai
P.O. Box 11181
Torrance, CA   90510

Credit card payments are also accepted.  Please use the link to PayPal.

Thank you for your support!

Online Membership Application

Membership Type

Membership Level

We collection your contact information so we may confirm your membership.

Click SEND to submit your membership information and you will be taken to the online payment page.

Support Nihon Buyo Kai

Donate by Mail

Check made payable to: “Nihon Buyo Kai,”

Mail to:

Nihon Buyo Kai
P.O. Box 11181
Torrance, CA   90510

Donate Online

We collect your contact information so we may confirm your sponsorship.

Click SEND to submit your sponsorship information and you will be taken to the online payment page.

Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Nihon Buyo Kai of California Federal Tax ID:  45-5478617